Sunday, July 4, 2010

Religion or Citizenship?

The Sabbath day has come and gone.  Today, in discussion with a gentleman in Charlotte, NC, I told him I'm not part of any religion or denomination.  It is that he is and has been of the same truth I was stating, so the only surprise for him was that he was hearing someone else voice it.  "What religion are you, Certo?"  Or what denomination are you?  It's a fair question considering the way things are.  But while the question may be superficially fair, it is fundamentally wrong... at least with those of us who understand the truth.  I am not a member of any denomination or religion; I am a citizen of a nation.  YHWH/Yeshua is the reigning monarch and I am one of His servants (subjets).  He is building a nation, not a religion, a nation that began with Abraham thousands of years ago.  The gentleman in Charlotte displayed his passion for this fact.  Somebody says, Well, that's biblical Judaism.  You can call it that, I suppose.  But again, it's really not about any religion; it is about a kingdom.  The kingdom has a king, subjects and a constitution, compilation of laws designed to make all the subjects in the kingdom harmonize with the King and each other.  It is intended to protect its citizens from danger, even spiritual danger.  In fact, just like Elohim said, this "constitution," set of instructions, i.e. Torah is designed to produce favor and blessing.  As citizens of the Kingdom of Elohim, we are subject to the laws of the kingdom (Romans 8:7)  People say they're not "under" the Law, they're "under" grace (now).  I don't know about them; I let them speak for themselves.  But the Kingdom of Elohim is one comprised of citizens, even heirs, "joint-heirs with Messiah."  No kingdom can stand without a constitution, a framework of instructions (laws) to cause the nation to operate as the monarch intends.  And when the citizens live by the laws of the kingdom, the king rejoices and blesses his subjects.  So it is with YHWH and His kingdom.  That we worship our king/creator/redeemer makes it much like a religion, but what it is is a nation of people in love and awe of their King.

Citizens of the Kingdom of Elohim are not gentiles.  People today and for many decades have believed they are Gentile Christians.  Maybe they are.  But any citizen of the Kingdom of Elohim is no longer of the nations, i.e. gentiles.  The word gentile/gentiles is derived from the Hebrew word goy/goyim(plural)  There is the Nation of Israel and there are the goyim, nations.  Those who are citizens of Israel are not citizens of pagan kingdoms.  When a person is converted, old things pass away and all things become new, he/she has changed citizenship from the kingdoms (and religions) of this world and become a citizen of the Nation of Israel under the reign of King YHWH/Yeshua with His Instructions, i.e. Torah.  Yeshua did not come to abolish His kingdom, as badly as they had become.  He came to show exactly how a subject of the Kingdom lives and this is what He taught as well as lived.  Not once did He violate any of the laws of the Kingdom, the "paths of righteousness."

He stated, as reported my Matthew, that He did not come to destroy the Torah.  In fact, according to John, his first words state plainly that Yeshua is the very Torah in flesh and this this is the Torah that is full of grace/favor and truth... both.  To destroy a set of instructions is to improperly live and/or teach them.  Oh, it doesn't have to mean that some paper, parchment or papyrus is torn and thrown into a fire.  It means that when the Torah is misrepresented, taught and lived incorrectly, the effect is the instructions are destroyed.  They have no value to such a person.  He came to fulfill the instructions just as any of us would if an employer gave us a list of things to do and later asked if we fulfilled everything on the list.  To fulfill the instructions/Torah is to teach and live it correctly, which in the case of YHWH's Torah is to maintain its continual authority.  When a subject of the kingdom is obedient ("subject to" Rom. 8:7) the constitution of the kingdom, he may be considered under its authority, but he is NOT "under" it as Scripture presents it.  To be under the Torah/Law is to be judged by it.  When a speeder is stopped by a policeman, he comes under the law in that the law finds him guilty of not being subject to it.  To be "under" grace/favor is to be judged by the same.  Instead of the part of Torah that says in effect, "Do the crime; do the time," pardon is granted by the "good pleasure of His will," Eph 1.

Relationship with the Creator of the Universe, YHWH most High, King of the Universe, means being a good citizen of His kingdom, "subject to" His Constitution/Torah.

It's not a religion.  It is citizenship in the Kingdom of YHWH/Yeshua, Elohim of all creation.

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